Genomic data of the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas).

Dataset type: Genomic
Data released on May 23, 2014

Green turtles are long-lived and may take up to 59 years to reach sexual maturity. Undertaking tremendous feats of navigation, adults return to the same beach to breed each season.
DNA from the green sea turtle was collected in Hong Kong. We sequenced the 2.24 Gb genome to a depth of approximately 82.3 X with short reads from a series of libraries with various insert sizes ( 170bp, 500bp, 800bp, 2kb, 5kb, 10kb,20kb and 40kb) on a HiSeq 2000 sequencer.
The assembled scaffolds of high quality sequences total 180.94 Gb, with the contig and scaffold N50 values of 20.4 kb and 3.78 Mb respectively. We identified 19,633 protein-coding genes with an mean length of 1456 bp.Experimental procedures and animal care were conducted in strict accordance with guidelines approved by the RIKEN Animal Experiments Committee (Approval IDs H14-23 and H16-10).

Additional details

Read the peer-reviewed publication(s):

(PubMed: 23624526)

Accessions (data generated as part of this study):

SRA: SRP011574
BioProject: PRJNA104937


Sample IDTaxonomic IDCommon NameGenbank NameScientific NameSample Attributes
SRS3014508469Chelonia mydasgreen seaturtleChelonia mydas Geographic location (country and/or sea,region):Ho...
Geographic location (latitude and longitude):not r...
IUCN Red List:EN
Displaying 1-1 of 1 Sample(s).

File NameSample IDData TypeFile FormatSizeRelease Date 
SRS301450Coding sequenceFASTA28.24 MB2013-02-20
SRS301450Sequence assemblyFASTA2.09 GB2013-02-20
SRS301450AnnotationGFF11.17 MB2013-02-20
SRS301450Protein sequenceFASTA10.21 MB2013-02-20
ReadmeTEXT0.34 KB2013-02-20
Displaying 1-5 of 5 File(s).
Date Action
November 3, 2015 File Cmyd.v1.1.cds updated
November 4, 2015 File Cmyd.v1.1.cds updated