Bovine whole-genome sequence alignments from the Canadian Cattle Genome Project

Dataset type: Genomic
Data released on October 28, 2015

Stothard P; Liao X; Arantes AS; Pauw MD; Coros C; Plastow GS; Sargolzaei M; Crowley JJ; Basarab JA; Schenkel F; Moore S; Miller SP (2015): Bovine whole-genome sequence alignments from the Canadian Cattle Genome Project GigaScience Database.


The Canadian Cattle Genome Project is a large-scale international project that aims to develop genomics-based tools to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of beef and dairy production. Obtaining DNA sequence information is an important part of achieving this goal as it facilitates efforts to associate specific DNA differences with phenotypic variation. These associations can be used to guide breeding decisions and provide valuable insight into the molecular basis of traits.
We present a dataset of 379 whole-genome sequences, taken primarily from key historic Bos taurus animals, along with the analyses that were performed to assess data quality. The sequenced animals represent ten populations relevant to beef or dairy production.
The large number of whole-genome sequences generated as a result of this project will contribute to ongoing work aiming to catalogue the variation that exists in cattle as well as efforts to improve traits through genotype-guided selection. Studies of gene function, population structure, and sequence evolution are also likely to benefit from the availability of this resource.

PLEASE NOTE: The files associated with this dataset are hosted in cold storage, please contact us via email with the details of the dataset and any particular files you would like to download, and we will be happy to make those available to you.


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doi:10.5524/100157 IsCitedBy doi:10.5524/100600

Accessions (data generated as part of this study):


Sample IDTaxonomic IDCommon NameGenbank NameScientific NameSample Attributes
SAMN017580469913bovinecattleBos taurus Alternative names:SIGNAL, SIMCANM000000000120
Alternative accession-SRA Sample:SRS411416
SAMN017580479913bovinecattleBos taurus Alternative names:GALANT, SIMCANM000000000011
Alternative accession-SRA Sample:SRS411417
SAMN017580489913bovinecattleBos taurus Alternative names:WBL EXTRA 1A, SIMCANM0000000003...
Alternative accession-SRA Sample:SRS411418
SAMN017580499913bovinecattleBos taurus Alternative names:BOLD, SIMCANM000000000795
Alternative accession-SRA Sample:SRS411420
SAMN017580509913bovinecattleBos taurus Alternative names:CANADIAN SALVATOR, SIMCANM00000...
Alternative accession-SRA Sample:SRS411419
SAMN017580519913bovinecattleBos taurus Alternative names:SIR ARNOLD 809G, SIMCANM0000000...
Alternative accession-SRA Sample:SRS411421
SAMN017580529913bovinecattleBos taurus Alternative names:ROGANT, SIMDEUM000911902613
Alternative accession-SRA Sample:SRS411426
SAMN017580539913bovinecattleBos taurus Alternative names:SALERIKA EVAN, SIMCANM000000415...
Alternative accession-SRA Sample:SRS411422
SAMN017580549913bovinecattleBos taurus Alternative names:EISENHERZ, SIMCANM000000397318
Alternative accession-SRA Sample:SRS411423
SAMN017580559913bovinecattleBos taurus Alternative names:ANTONIUS, SIMCANM000000034899
Alternative accession-SRA Sample:SRS378711
Displaying 1-10 of 379 Sample(s).

File NameSample IDData TypeFile FormatSizeRelease Date 
SAMPLE:SAMN02142985AlignmentsBAM20.06 GB2015-10-28
SAMPLE:SAMN02142982AlignmentsBAM19.11 GB2015-10-28
SAMPLE:SAMN02142986AlignmentsBAM19.52 GB2015-10-28
SAMPLE:SAMN02842714AlignmentsBAM30.5 GB2015-10-28
SAMPLE:SAMN02843152AlignmentsBAM38.52 GB2015-10-28
SAMPLE:SAMN01915341AlignmentsBAM18.83 GB2015-10-28
SAMPLE:SAMN01915339AlignmentsBAM19.73 GB2015-10-28
SAMPLE:SAMN02843141AlignmentsBAM23.9 GB2015-10-28
SAMPLE:SAMN02843079AlignmentsBAM28.09 GB2015-10-28
SAMPLE:SAMN02843101AlignmentsBAM31.1 GB2015-10-28
Displaying 1-10 of 381 File(s).
Date Action
October 28, 2015 Dataset publish
November 6, 2015 File AANCANM000000355459.bam updated
December 4, 2015 Manuscript Link added : 10.1186/s13742-015-0090-5
May 1, 2020 File readme_100157.txt updated
April 8, 2024 Description updated to include PLEASE NOTE: The files associated with this dataset are hosted in cold storage, please contact us via email with the details of the dataset and any particular files you would like to download, and we will be happy to make those available to you.